General Comments

We receive many requests from students who are interested in registering for a class for which they do not yet qualify.  We do consider exceptions.  However, we cannot grant all requests, because to do so would be to fundamentally change the nature of each level of class. The number of requests is simply too numerous to grant them all.

Consideration of exceptions to the class requirements begins no later than July 1.  Exceptions are then considered based on significant merit, strength, age fit, and availability in the “target” class.  (If sufficient demand exists, an additional instructor/class may be added.)

Purposes of Class Requirements

We believe it is important that students understand the purposes of the class requirements before they decide whether to apply for an exception. There are a few purposes for the class requirements:

  1. To ensure that a student is directed to the ‘best fit’ class opportunity,

  2. To ensure to other class students that all students in a class are prepared to contribute at an appropriate level with respect to the class material, and

  3. To allow instructors to appropriately plan for the class.

Please keep in mind that the class requirements are in place to assure all campers that they will receive the camp experience for which they registered.

To Apply for An Exception


Do Not Directly Register For A Class for Which the Student Does Not Yet Qualify.

To apply for an exception, you must do the following:

  1. Register for the camp in the section for which you qualify.

    • Players who register for an incorrect section will be moved to the correct section.

    • Such players won’t receive a refund of the difference.

  2. On the registration form, in the Notes/Comments area, note that you are interested in an exception.

  3. Go to and fill out the form. Please provide the following.

    • A coach’s reference (if possible) as a pdf. Include the coach’s CV/background.

    • A file of sample games, preferably as a pgn file.

    • If you wish, a brief statement of why you want to move up (pdf.)

    • It’s best to have these items ready BEFORE you fill out the form, although the form can be edited later.

  4. If granted an exception, you will be notified and billed for the difference in registration fee as of the time you registered. So it is to your advantage to register early.

Exceptions are made first from among students registered in the camp and requested an exception, and only later from new registrants post-July 1.

Campers registered for a section for which they do not qualify will be moved to the correct section without a refund. Any extra paid to be in the higher class will be forfeited.

If the camper is later moved to the higher section, they will be required to pay the difference again.